
Kyo kof 13
Kyo kof 13

kyo kof 13

K's team was made up of himself, the cyborg Maxima, Benimaru and Shingo, and they reached the end of the new KOF tournament that was held to scout for the strongest fighters. One such man was K', who had been injected with the DNA of the captive Kyo Kusanagi. This made it non-canon, and the storyline would be continued in 1999 with the beginning of the NESTS Saga. The plot revolved around a dangerous organization that planned to use genetically engineered warriors for nefarious means.


The King of Fighters '98 was a dream match title featuring every character in the series so far, whether they were dead or alive. RELATED: The King of Fighters: The History of SNK's Iconic Fighting Game Franchise Japan Team Here are all of the teams that have officially been crowned the King of Fighters. From Japanese high schoolers to genetic experiments, these winners have not only won the KOF tournament, but also faced powerful otherworldly opponents. Since this is SNK, they have overcome some of the most challenging bosses in fighting games. These winners differ from game to game, but they're usually whoever is considered the main heroes of each game's saga. While most fighting games, such as Capcom's Street Fighterand fellow SNK series Samurai Shodownaren't especially heavy on story, the KOF games do emphasize plot and have canon winners for each tournament. Featuring a mashup of the greatest warriors in SNK history, the games' fighters have a myriad of impressive moves and fighting styles. SNK's The King of Fighters franchise has been running since 1994, and its next entry recently received its first teaser trailer.

Kyo kof 13